Prayer is so vital, and so important in our lives. Prayer is simply talking to God, sharing what’s on your heart and opening up to him, and allowing him in your life.

I’ve found such a love and passion for prayer.

It’s not a 5-minute list I go through before falling asleep, but a life style. That’s the beauty of prayer. God hears you no matter where you are or what you are doing…so you can pray at any time. You can talk to God even just in the small things during your day, and he hears you and is right there with you.

True prayer is honest, humble and personal.

It is such a privilege; it was purchased for us along with our salvation through Jesus Christ. Conversation is a part of any vital and growing relationship.

Prayer helps in all of life’s fierce battles.

We live in a world attacked by so many things, and we need to know our spiritual defense.  It also helps us make important decisions relying on the Holy Spirit as our guide.

Prayer allows us to repent, and get in right standing with God through Jesus Christ.

Prayer makes a difference.

It changes lives and releases power. It strengthens us and reminds us that we are not alone, but God is always with us.

We are fortunate enough to live in a country where prayer and worship are still legal, and we should take advantage of that every single day.

It’s not about feeling obligated to pray…but privileged. There is something about being in the sweet presence of God that nothing else can give us. A satisfaction, yet at the same time a greater growing hunger to know him even more.


Prayer should not just become something we do, but who we are.